Getting Started is Easy

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Anyone meeting Christoph Herrlinger on his first day at the Amazon fulfilment centre in Frankenthal would not notice any signs of discomposure.

The 22-year old feels that he is in good hands. Instead of jumping into the deep end, he enters a sophisticated entry-level program designed to make the start for new Amazon employees as smooth as possible - not only at the Frankenthal location, but in all fulfilment centres.

Welcome to the World of Amazon

“Let’s go. ‘Day Zero’, when our newcomers get general information about the Amazon world, the fulfilment centre and the various departments," explains Violeta Veselinovic from the Amazon Learning Team. Moreover, we inform them about topics such as occupational safety, ergonomics and collegial cooperation.”

Four in a Group

The subsequent "Day One" activities take place in groups of four and an experienced employee, called an instructor, gives a tour through the fulfilment centre. Christoph and his new colleagues learn about all the important facilities in order to find their way around later. Moreover, the newcomers are welcomed by the head of a department and they receive an intensive training in their future workplace.

I feel well prepared for starting at Amazon.
Christoph Herrlinger, beginner in a fulfilment centre in Frankenthal

Reliability from the Start

“For me, it is important that we answer all the questions of our new colleagues and everyone feels well looked after," says instructor Claudia Loewer. "That's why I walk up and down the whole day, offer help and check using a checklist, if everyone has really understood everything."

Transparency, clarity and reliability play a big role at Amazon, not only during the application and entry process, but also afterwards. Thus, every employee in Germany can be assured of starting with a gross wage of at least 10.78 euros per hour. After 24 months, the monthly salary is on average €2,397 gross, including performance bonuses and annual bonuses. In addition, employees benefit from shares and other benefits such as special allowances for overtime, life and disability insurance, contributions to company old-age insurance or the Career Choice program for education and training.

After Day Zero and Day One, Christoph is looking forward to getting started. "I feel confident and well prepared – and if there's another question, there's always someone here to ask," he says.

Good opportunities for beginners, lateral entrants and the upwardly mobile

For starting in fulfilment at Amazon, prequalifications are not decisive. Motivation, willingness to learn and the team spirit of the applicants also count. If you are interested in a job in one of our fulfilment centres, you will find current job offers here.

About the author

Jan Saßmannshausen and the Amazon Stories team are constantly on the lookout for unique stories - about how Amazon inspires people and empowers them to their own success. Engaging readers with these stories is the daily motivation of the team.