In 2015, Amazon announced the construction of Amazon Solar Farm US East, Amazon Wind Farm (Fowler Ridge) and Amazon Wind Farm US East. Located in Virginia, Indiana and North Carolina respectively, these new solar and wind farms are expected to generate over 1.3 million megawatt hours (MWH) of power—the equivalent power used by approximately 330,000 European homes in a year.

The energy generated by Amazon Wind and Solar Farms will be be delivered into the electrical grids that supply both current and future AWS Cloud datacenters. It is part of AWS' long-term commitment to achieve 100% renewable energy usage for the AWS global infrastructure footprint. AWS introduced its first carbon-neutral region—US West (Oregon)—in 2011. Today, AWS offers customers three AWS regions that are carbon-neutral—EU (Frankfurt), US West (Oregon), and AWS GovCloud (US).


The energy generated by Amazon Wind and Solar Farms will be used to help deliver power into the electrical grids that supply both current and future AWS Cloud datacenters.

Amazon Wind and Solar Farms are part of AWS' long-term commitment to achieve 100% renewable energy usage for the AWS global infrastructure footprint.