Amazonians with expertise in complex large-scale supply chain operations and B2B procurement worked with the hospital staff to source healthcare equipment and advice on leadership around emergency management.
Thanks to the synergy of both teams, the hospital was able to get an uninterrupted supply of medical essentials such as masks, gloves, gowns, goggles, ventilators, disinfectants etc. to prepare for the expected peak demand.
“We are very happy with Amazon’s contribution, which gave us greater flexibility to procure medical supplies. This has ensured we have enough medical stock on hand to face the Coronavirus peak. Without Amazon, we could not have done it,” said Michel Schuetz, Administrative Director Hôpitaux Robert Schuman SA.

Gregor Ulitzka, Supply Chain Director at Amazon noted, “I was impressed by the number of volunteers that were willing to help. It shows how much our staff feels connected to the community we work and live in.”
Amazon volunteers established channels to find alternative product sources, process donations of equipment and reduce product delivery times. This helped free up the bandwidth of the hospital employees, who directly support the Luxembourg Ministry of Health for Covid-19 planning.
“It is a fantastic opportunity to work with the hospital’s team and we’ve been able to build a very efficient working relationship, although we come from different backgrounds. We are very grateful for all the work they are doing to care for people with the virus,” said Mathilde Eckmann, Vendor Manager at Amazon.
Amazon in Luxembourg now has over 2.200 employees situated in our European headquarters.